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Key Benefits of Beet Root

Supports Healthy Circulation
The natural nitrates in beets promote the production of oxygen-boosting nitric oxide in your body, supporting healthy circulation.

Maintains Healthy Blood Pressure Levels
Nitric oxide support helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels when combined with a healthy lifestyle.

Boosts Energy and Stamina
Nitric oxide and nutrients in beets help reduce fatigue and provide an energy boost.

Improves Exercise Performance
Nitric oxide produced by nitrates in beets dilates blood vessels, enhancing oxygen delivery to your working muscles.
Where can I find the best-by date?
You can locate it on the bottom of the bottle.
What is beeturia?
Beeturia is when your urine takes on a reddish or pink hue after eating beets. This color shift happens because of betalains, the pigments in beets. While it might look alarming, beeturia is harmless and usually fades within a few hours to a couple of days. Some people are more likely to experience it, while others might not notice any change at all.
Wondering who handles the USDA organic certification?
Our Beet Root capsules are certified by Quality Assurance International (QAI).
What's the difference between beet root powder and our betalain extract?
Our beet root powder capsules are organic and contain natural nitrates for nitric oxide. AltRed, on the other hand, is a concentrated, highly absorbable betalain extract without nitrates or sugar. It enhances nitric oxide production by working with the nitrates already in your body, providing a longer-lasting effect.Two unique ways to boost nitric oxide—one standard, the other more advanced!